About Us
Connected to Expert Care
Carlinville Area Hospital & Clinics is a licensed, 25-bed, acute care hospital that provides a wide range of inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. Patients can be admitted to the hospital for medical, surgical, or pediatric care. A variety of other services are available to patients on an inpatient and outpatient basis through the hospital's Cardiopulmonary, Imaging, Laboratory and Rehabilitation Services, including Physical, Occupational, Speech and Aquatic Therapy, as well as Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
Nine physicians currently represent the Active Medical Staff at Carlinville Area Hospital & Clinics. Their specialties include General and Family Practice, Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Orthopedics. More than 31 physicians, representing over a dozen specialties, are available to see patients locally through the Outpatient Specialty Clinic.
Our Mission...
To provide a professional medical community and hospital in order to promote expert healthcare, close to home.
Our Vision...
We are committed to the development of a state-of-the-art rural hospital and excellent local healthcare services.
Our Core Purpose...
Expert care, close to home.
Carlinville Area Hospital & Clinics offers a 24-hour STAT Stroke and STAT Heart designated Emergency Department staffed with emergency medicine physicians. Our inpatient unit has Hospitalists available that can care for patients who do not have a physician that regularly admits patients at the hospital. Staff physicians may also elect to use the Hospitalists to assist in managing the care of their own admitted patients.
Skilled nursing and rehabilitation care are available at Carlinville Area Hospital & Clinics through our Swing Bed Program. If someone is recovering from surgery, stroke, fracture, or an extended medical illness and hospitalization, they can choose to rehabilitate at Carlinville Area Hospital & Clinics whether they were hospitalized in Carlinville, Springfield, St. Louis or elsewhere.
In Fall 2015, Carlinville Area Hospital & Clinics added an on-site 28,000 sq. ft. Medical Office Building. The Medical Office Building houses Springfield Clinic - Carlinville, Carlinville Family Health Care, Sleep Lab, an expanded Physical and Occupational Therapy Department, which includes aqua Therapy, Senior Behavioral Health Program and a community room.
For more information on the services provided by Carlinville Area Hospital & Clinics, call 217-854-3141 or 800-828-9923.

Illinois Hospital Report Card Act
Carlinville Area Hospital & Clinics is committed to providing expert care, close to home. To ensure patient safety and public trust, anyone can inquire about our staffing levels and staff competence.
To make an appointment with the Chief Nursing Officer/Chief Quality Officer, call 217-854-3141, ext. 345. All questions will be answered in accordance with the Illinois Hospital Report Card Act.